HC Deb 11 December 1911 vol 32 cc2102-3W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can state the imports of cocoa, raw, and cocoa and chocolate ground or prepared, or, if so, classified, of cocoa paste or chocolate into Great Britain for the years 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880?


The imports are as follows:—

Years. Cocoa, Raw. Cocoa Paste or Chocolate.
Lbs. Lbs.
1875 15,873,624 115,617
1876 20,443,591 100,902
1877 17,056,364 121,942
1878 18,021,626 135,832
1879 26,155,788 682,226
1880 23,511,101 895,795

NOTE.—The heading of cocoa paste or chocolate was changed in 1879 to cocoa or chocolate, ground, prepared, or in any way manufactured.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the quantity in pounds weight of the imports into Great Britain for the year ending 31st March, 1911, of cocoa, raw, cocoa husks and shells, cocoa or chocolate, ground, prepared, or in any way manufactured, cocoa butter, and confectionery containing chocolate; the amount of revenue collected on all these articles stated separately, and, in the case of the last item, the net amount of duty collected on the cocoa contents of the confectionery; and the quantity in pounds weight of any of the above items re-exported in the same year?


The following tables show (1) the imports into and re-exports from Great Britain of cocoa, raw, cocoa husks and shells, cocoa prepared, cocoa butter, and confectionery containing chocolate; (2) the exports of British manufactured cocoa and confectionery containing chocolate during the year ended 31st December, 1910; and (3) the Revenue received on these articles during the financial year ended 31st March, 1911.

—— Imports Re-exports.
Year ended 31st December, 1910. Year ended 31st December, 1910.
Lbs. Lbs.
Cocoa Raw 70,650,300 14,624,688
Cocoa, Husks and Shells 351,008 896
Cocoa, or Chocolate, ground, prepared, or in any way manufactured 14,868,670 628,843
Cocoa Butter 715,578 44,199
Confectionery containing Chocolate 1,630,586 16,570


Exports of cocoa and chocolate, and confectionery containing chocolate, prepared in Great Britain, during the year ended 31st December, 1910.

Cocoa or Chocolate, ground, prepared, or in any way manufactured 3,541,982
Cocoa or Chocolate, ground, or prepared in bond 34,628
Confectionery containing Chocolate 9,239,216


Net revenue received during the financial year 1910–11.

Cocoa Raw 214,647
Cocoa Husks and Shells 328
Cocoa or Chocolate, ground, prepared or in any way manufactured 118,513
Cocoa Butter 3,300
*Confectionery containing Chocolate 10,094
* The amount of revenue received in respect of the cocoa contained in chocolate confectionery was, during the financial year 1910–11, £8,112.