HC Deb 04 December 1911 vol 32 c1170W

also asked the Chief Secretary whether the hon. Member for South Mayo is still a member of the Congested Districts Board for Ireland; whether his attention has been drawn to a speech delivered by the hon. Member at Williamstown, county Galway, on the 13th instant, in which he advocated the withholding of rents when due as a means of compelling a local landowner named Hughes to part with his estate to the Congested Districts Board, and said he himself would be happy to facilitate their proceedings; whether it is in his power, and, if so, has he the intention, of removing the name of the hon. Member from the Board, or what other action does he propose to take?


The attention of the hon. Member for South Mayo has been called to the reports of the speech in question which appeared in the Irish newspapers. While denying the accuracy of those reports, he has admitted that in a moment of excitement he said more than he intended to say, or should have said, and has undertaken to be more careful in future. No further action appears to be necessary.