HC Deb 21 April 1911 vol 24 cc1327-9W

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Congested Districts Board have entered into negotiations with the proprietors of the Brinkley, Tottenham, and Brereton estates, Easkey county Sligo; whether the proprietors have agreed to sell; if so, when the sales are expected to be completed; and whether, if the proprietors have not agreed to sell, the Board are prepared to apply in those cases the compulsory powers of the Land Act of 1909?


The Congested Districts Board have communicated with the landlords of the estates referred to, but they are at present unable to state the result of the negotiations.


asked when the Congested Districts Board are likely to be in a position to complete the purchase of and acquire the estates of Parke, Dunally, and Middleton, Bosses Point, county Sligo?


I have nothing to add to the reply given to the question of the hon. Member on 21st March with reference to these estates.


asked the Chief Secretary the cause of the delay on the part of the Congested Districts Board and the Estates Commissioners in completing the purchase of the Jones estate in Easkey, county Sligo?


The Congested Districts. Board inform me that the maps in the case of this estate have not yet been furnished, but the agent states that they will soon be lodged.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board or the Estates Commissioners are willing to assist the inhabitants of Collooney and Ballisodare, county Sligo, to acquire by purchase the landlord's interest in these townlands?


If the hon. Member can furnish the names of the owners of the lands referred to, the Congested Districts Board or the Estates Commissioners will cause inquiries to be made.


asked the Chief Secretary if he can say, in reference to the estate of Philip Smith, Mullagh, county Cavan, and D. A. Mortimer, tenant, advertised to be sold on 3rd May, whether, after negotiations with the small holders in the district, the Estates Commissioners have made an offer for the purchase of the estate with the view of distribution among the owners of uneconomic holdings?


The Estates Commissioners have had a preliminary inspection made of these lands, and have recently communicated with the owner their preliminary estimate of the amount they would be prepared to advance for them if formal proceedings for the sale of the lands to the Commissioners were instituted by the owner.