HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 cc2142-5W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he will explain why, in the sale of the Shaw estate, Bally-branagan, Ballymahon, Ireland, to the tenants, a cottar tenant, named Patrick Kenny, did not get the option to purchase, and has been decreed for possession on a document purporting to be given by the Irish Land Commission; and will he see that this evicted tenant is either restored to his holding or provided with another allotment under the Evicted Tenants Acts?


Patrick Kenny appears to be in the occupation of two small plots containing altogether less than one acre situated on the holdings of James Kenny on this estate. Agreements for the purchase of his two holdings by James Kenny have been lodged with the Estates Commissioners, and one of the holdings has been already vested in him. The Commissioners did not consider the plots in Patrick Kenny's occupation suitable to be declared separate holdings for the purposes of sale under the Irish Land Act, 1903. The Commissioners have no knowledge of the proceedings against Patrick Kenny referred to in the question.


asked the Chief Secretary if he will state, in cases where a plot for a cottage under the Labourers Act has been taken on a tenant's land between the signing of the purchase agreement and the granting of the vesting order, and where the arbitrator makes a reduction in the interest payable by the tenant in proportion to the compensation paid to the landlord for the plot, whether the Land Commission, acting as agents for the landlord, insist on getting the original interest and make no deduction for the amount allowed by the arbitrator to the tenant?


Where a plot of ground is taken under the Labourers Act from a tenant's holding for which a purchase agreement has been entered into, but where an advance has not yet been made, it is the practice, on the matter being brought to the knowledge of the Land Commission, to require the purchase agreement to be amended by the parties so as to exclude from the purchase proceedings the plot taken for the purposes of the labourer's cottage. On this being done, the tenant purchaser gets, as regards the interest in lieu of rent payable in the case, any benefit arising through any reduction in the purchase money of the holding in consequence of the taking of the plot. Until the purchase agreement has been varied, the Land Commission has no alternative but to collect the interest in lieu of rent upon the purchase money of the holding as originally agreed upon. If the hon. Member informs the Land Commission of the particular case which has given rise to his question, inquiries will be made into the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary if he can state the cause of the delay in completing the sale of the Downstrands portion of the Marquis Conyngham's estate in county Donegal; whether the landlord has lodged the necessary maps and forms; when the estate is to be inspected on behalf of the Congested Districts Board; and whether, in view of the fact that the negotiations for purchase of this estate have now continued for several years, he will endeavour to have the transaction completed before the end of the present year?


The Marquess of Conyngham's estate in West Donegal is of very great extent, and the circumstances of the various sections of the estate, including the "Down Strands" portion, will be considered at the same time by the Congested Districts Board. The maps of the "Down Strands" portion of the estate have been lodged with the Board, but the return of other documents is awaited. Considering the magnitude of the estate, it docs not appear that any unreasonable delay has arisen.


asked if the Congested Districts Board have entered into negotiations with Mr. Denny, of Tralee, who is the receiver under the John Sand's estate situate in North Kerry, with a view to purchase the same; and, if not, will they do so immediately?


The Estates Commissioners have purchased an estate of John Sands, county Kerry, comprising seventy acres of tenanted and 212 acres of untenanted lands under Section 6 of the Irish Land Act, 1903; The purchase money of the estate has been paid, and the untenanted land has been distributed. The Congested Districts Board have no knowledge of any other estate belonging to this owner.


asked whether the estate belonging to the late John White Leahy, situate at Ballinclemsig, North Kerry, has been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board: and if so, what steps have the Board taken to inspect and purchase the same?


The estate referred to has been offered to the Congested Districts Board and an inspection of the lands will be made as soon as practicable.


asked what is the amount of the advance applied for by Thomas Abraham, Ballymooney, Tullamore, to purchase his holding on the Digby estate, Geashill, King's county?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that Thomas Abraham has signed an agreement to purchase his holding on Lord Digby's estate for £8,795, and has applied for an advance of £7,000. The estate has not been reached in order of priority.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state the amount of the advance applied for by Frederick Abraham to purchase his holding at Kilcavan, Mountmellick, Queen's County, on the Sandes estate?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that the amount of advance applied for in this case is £3,334. The estate has not been reached in order of priority.


asked if the Congested Districts Board have yet purchased the estate from Major Brushe, which is situated at Tynagh, county Galway; and, if not, are negotiations for purchase still going on?


The landlord in this case has expressed his willingness to negotiate for the sale of his estate through the Congested Districts Board. He was accordingly asked to furnish a map and rental of the estate. As soon as these documents are lodged the Board will at once proceed with the negotiations.