HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 c2145W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received any protests from temperance societies and inhabitants of those suburbs of Dublin in which his recently introduced Dublin Police Bill proposes to confer upon publicans increased powers of promoting Sunday drinking by enabling them to keep open their shops for the sale of drink during hours on Sunday that are now forbidden to them, and to publicans in all parts of Ireland where total Sunday closing exists; and will he consider the desirability of diminishing rather than increasing Sunday drinking facilities in Dublin when his Bill is in committee?


I have received several protests of the nature referred to. The Section of the Dublin Police Bill to which this question refers has for its object the removal of an anomaly that at present exists in regard to the Licensing Laws in the City of Dublin, by placing all publicans in the police district of Dublin Metropolis in the same position as regards Sunday trading. The question of drinking facilities on Sunday can be considered when the Bill is in Committee.