HC Deb 07 March 1910 vol 14 cc1287-8W

asked the Chief Secretary whether it is the duty of the police under the Poaching Prevention Act, 1862, to search any person whom they meet and have good cause to suspect of having been on lands in pursuit of or killing game without having authority to be on such lands, or of having in his possession any game unlawfully obtained, and in the event of detection to seize and detain the game, and to apply to a justice of the peace for a summons against such person; whether an instruction has been issued to the police in Ireland prohibiting their employment in the enforcement of any of the Acts relating to the laws for the preservation of game; if so, what is the date of such instruction; and will he ascertain if it is the fact that the police have construed this instruction as superseding their statutory duty under the Act of 1862?


The Royal Irish Constabulary are prohibited by the Constabulary Act of 1836 from enforcing any Acts relating to the laws for the preservation of game. The attention of the police was by direction of the Irish Government called to this matter by circular in 1906, but they were at the same time informed that they should continue to enforce the provisions of the Act of 1862. The Constabulary authorities have no reason to suppose that the police have misunderstood these instructions.