HC Deb 28 July 1910 vol 19 cc2517-20W

asked whether the Estates Commissioners have considered the case of James Reville, one of the Leigh evicted tenants; and if they have yet decided to give him some of the untenanted land?


The Estates Commissioners have received an application from James Reville for reinstatement in a holding at one time occupied by his father, and now in the occupation of another tenant. The application will be considered in connection with the allotment of such untenanted land as the Commissioners may acquire.


asked what steps have been taken by the Estates Commissioners to restore the Boxwell evicted tenants, now over twenty years out of their homes, and seemingly no nearer to them than they were twenty years ago?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to his question of 7th March last, to which I have nothing to add.


asked the Chief Secretary what action the Estates Commis- sioners propose to take with regard to the applications for reinstatement of Daniel M'Ilwaine, Mary White, and other evicted tenants on the estate of the Earl of Leitrim, situated near Termon, county Donegal; whether he is aware that M'Ilwaine made his application for reinstatement nearly six years ago; whether the farm has since been visited by any of the Commissioners or their inspectors; and what has been the cause of the delay in dealing with these applications?


The Estates Commissioners have received applications from eight evicted tenants or their representatives in connection with this estate. Two of these applications are outside the Land Purchase Acts, and in two cases the Commissioners have decided to take no action. In four cases the Commissioners intimated the prices they were prepared to advance if formal proceedings for sale were instituted, but the owner was unwilling to accept the prices. Three of these last-mentioned applications were received after 1st May, 1907, and cannot therefore be dealt with under the Evicted Tenants Act, but they will be considered if proceedings for sale of the estate should be instituted. In the case of M'Ilwaine, the Commissioners are considering the question of proceedings for the acquisition of his holding under the Evicted Tenants Act.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners will reconsider the case of Thomas O'Gorman, Linenhall Street, Fair Green, Dundalk, evicted tenant, and, in view of the fact that there is untenanted land in the district from which he was evicted, secure the same for his reinstatement?


The Estates Commissioners, after inquiry into the application of Thomas O'Gorman for reinstatement i[...] the cottage and one acre of land on the Coleman Estate formerly occupied by him and his sisters, have decided not to take any action in the matter, and they see no reason to alter their decision.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will reconsider the case of Richard Morton, Lurgangreen, Dundalk, and secure him a holding either under the Evicted Tenants Act or upon untenanted land at their disposal?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that Richard Morton's application was for reinstatement in a plot of one rood at one time occupied by his mother. This plot is not a holding to which the Land Law Acts apply, and the Commissioners cannot therefore take any action in the matter.


asked how many claims have been received by the Estates Commissioners in county Louth from evicted tenants; how many evicted tenants in the county have been restored to their old holdings or to new holdings; how many cases at present unsettled do they propose to deal with; how much untenanted land has come into their possession for redistribution; and whether any untenanted land is likely to be available for the purpose of settling the claims of outstanding evicted tenants?


The Estates Commissioners have received 180 applications for reinstatement in their former holdings from evicted tenants or their representatives in county Louth. In seventy-five cases the Commissioners decided to take no action, fifty-three evicted tenants or their representatives have been reinstated in their former holdings or provided with holdings elsewhere, and in four cases the names have been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land which may be acquired by the Commissioners. The remaining forty-eight applications, having been received after 1st May, 1907, the date mentioned in the Evicted Tenants Act, have not yet been inquired into. The Estates Commissioners have purchased 2,373 acres of untenanted land in county Louth, and proceedings for the purchase of 471 acres are at present pending before them.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will reconsider the claim of Joseph London, evicted tenant, Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, already before them; and reinstate him on a holding similar to that from which he was evicted?


The Estates Commissioners have recently received a further communication from London which is still under consideration.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have received particulars of the claim of Miss Anne M'Ardle, St. Alphonsus Road, Dundalk, for consideration as an evicted tenant; and whether they are prepared to entertain her application?


The Estates Commissioners have received an application from Anne M'Ardle for reinstatement in a holding on the Ruddy estate formerly occupied by her father, and have decided to take no action in the matter.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will reconsider the claim of Michael Duffy, Dublin Street, Dundalk, to be treated as an evicted tenant and secure a holding for him under the Evicted Tenants Act or upon untenanted land that may come into their possession?


The Estates Commissioners have received an application from Michael Duffy for reinstatement in a holding on the Fowler estate formerly occupied by his father, and have decided to consider his application when they are dealing with the estate which is pending before them for sale under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners will reconsider the case of the representatives of Mrs. Donaghy, Cambricville, Dundalk, evicted tenant, and deal with the case favourably under the Evicted Tenants Act?


The Estates Commissioners received an application from Julia Donaghy for reinstatement in a strip of land of one acre formerly occupied by her husband on the Dickie estate, county Louth, and after inquiry decided to take no action in the matter. They see no reason to reconsider their decision.