HC Deb 28 April 1910 vol 17 c744W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the circumstances under which negotiations for the sale of the Colomb estate, near Cahirciveen, have been carried out; and whether, in view of the expressed willingness of tenants on this estate to agree to the terms of sale under the 1909 Act proposed by the owners, he will use his influence and that of the Congested Districts Board to prevent these tenants from being put to inconvenience and expense by the action of the owners in issuing processes against them?


I understand that forty-three purchase agreements in connection with the sale of this estate, were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in November last, and were returned to the vendor for amendment, having regard to the provisions of Section 13 of the Irish Land Act, 1909. Thirty-three of these agreements have been amended and relodged. Neither the Estates Commissioners nor the Congested Districts Board have any power to intervene to stay proceedings for the recovery of rent due.