HC Deb 11 April 1910 vol 16 cc1037-8W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether anyone, and, if so, who, has been appointed

Statement showing the total quantity of Raw and Refined Sugar imported into the United Kingdom, the total declared value thereof, and the estimated annual consumption of Raw and Refined Sugar per head of the population in each year from 1897 to 1901 inclusive.
Year. Total Quantity of Sugar Imported. Total Declared Value of Imported Sugar. Estimated Annual Consumption of Sugar per head of the population.
Raw. Refined. Raw. Refined.
cwts. cwts. £ 1bs. 1bs.
1897 13,553,527 15,830,759 15,950,944 36.83 41.29
1898 14,692,906 16,520,254 17,222,001 39.70 43.03
1899 13,121,709 17,809,121 18,059,633 35.44 46.64
1900 13,234,932 19,248,187 19,256,439 35.27 50.26
1901 13,387,143 21,256,846 19,326,858 35.75 55.61
NOTE.—The figures for consumption per head of the population are calculated, as regards Raw Sugar, on the basis of the Net Imports—i.e., the Imports less the re-Exports; and as regards Refined Sugar, on the basis of the Imports less Total Exports—i.e., less both re-Exports and Exports of Sugar refined in the United Kingdom. The figures for total consumption of Sugar in equivalent of refined cannot be given for years prior to 1902.

to succeed Sir Douglas Gamble on his retirement from the service of the Turkish Government?


An officer has been selected, and an announcement on the subject will be made shortly.

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