HC Deb 20 September 1909 vol 11 cc194-6W

asked the Lord Advocate whether he can state the amount collected by fines for illegal trawling off the coast of Scotland within the last 12 months; and whether the sums so collected would be devoted to the acquisition of another fishery cruiser?


The amount received during the 12 months ending 30th June last, was £573 3s. 4d. The Fishery Board acquired a new cruiser only a few months ago, and do not at present contemplate the acquisition of another. The fines are under the Application of Penalies Act, 1907, available as an addition to the fund out of which cruisers are provided and maintained, unless and until a different purpose is prescribed.


asked the Secretary of State for War what has been the average strength fro. 1888 to 1908, inclusive; what has been in each of the years from 1888 to 1905 inclusive, the number of men who have been attacked by and have died from small-pox in the United Kingdom, in India, in Egypt, and in the Colonies, respectively; and what has been, in each of these years, the percentage of cases and of deaths to the average strength, and the percentage of deaths to attacks in the United Kingdom, India, Egypt, and the Colonies, respectively.


submitted the following table showing the average strength of the British troops serving at home and abroad during the years 1888 to 1908, also the admissions and deaths with the percentage to strength, and the percentage of mortality to attack, for small-pox amongst the troops serving in the United Kingdom, India, Egypt, and the Colonies, during the years 1888 to 1905, inclusive:—

Year. Average Strength. United Kingdom. India. Egypt Colonies.*
Admissions. Deaths. Percentage. Percentage of Mortality to attack. Admissions. Deaths. Percentage. Percentage of Mortality to attack. Admissions. Deaths. Percentage. Percentage of Mortality to attack. Addmissions. Deaths. Percentage. Percentage of Mortality to attack
Admissns. Deaths. Admissns. Deaths. Admissns. Deaths. Admissns. Deaths.
1888 198,851 14 1 .01 .00 7.14 107 10 .16 .01 9.35 14 4 .42 .12 28.57 4 .02
1889 198,446 2 .00 152 17 .22 .02 11.18 42 6 1.22 .17 14.29 5 .02
1890 196,502 36 4 .05 .00 11.11
1891 196,270 1 .00 14 1 .02 .00 7.14 1 .03 4 .02
1892 199,049 6 .01 18 3 .03 .00 16.67 2 .06
1893 202,125 8 .01 33 4 .05 .01 12.12 4 .08 5 .02
1894 203,469 11 .01 13 3 .02 .00 23.08 2 .01
1895 200,681 3 .00 19 2 .03 .00 10.53 5 .11
1896 203,145 1 .00 122 10 .17 .01 8.20 2 .05
1897 198,294 24 4 .04 .01 16.67 3 1 .07 .02 33.33 4 .01
1898 202,166 2 .00 2 1 .01 .00 50.00
1899 201,004† 1 .00 14 1 .02 .00 7.14 2 .05 1 .00
1900 226,276† 1 .00 36 3 .06 .01 8.33 3 .08 5 .02
1901 196,796† 6 1 .01 .00 16.67 20 3 .03 .01 15.00 4 .02
1902 254,357† 11 3 .01 .00 27.27 23 4 .04 .01 17.39 3 .00
1903 242,182 2 .00 68 8 .01 .01 11.76 1 1 .02 .02 100.00 1 .00
1904 244,425 3 .00 49 5 .07 .01 10.20 2 .04 2 .00
1905 240,075 99 1 .14 .00 1.01 7 .02
1906 230,128
1907 217,844
1908 215,467
* Includes Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Canada, Bermuda, Barbados, Jamaica, Western Africa, South Africa, St. Helena, Mauritius, Ceylon, South China, North China, Strait Settlements, and Crete.
† Does not include troops in South Africa serving during the late campaign.