HC Deb 14 September 1909 vol 10 cc2124-6W

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he has suggested the free opening of Walmer Castle and grounds; whether objection to this was raised by the Walmer District Council; whether the Deal and Walmer Chamber of Commerce, representing the commercial interests of the whole district, has approved, with practical unanimity, of the free opening; and whether, in view of the fact that Walmer Castle is a building of national and historic interest, he could see his way to carrying out his original intention of removing the present restrictions to the free enjoyment by the public?


The answer to my ton. Friend's first three questions is in the affirmative. In view of the unfortunate difference of local opinion I do not intend to take any immediate action in the matter, but. I hope that the Walmer District Council may eventually find themselves more in accord with what I believe to be the general sentiment, so that I may be enabled to open this castle, with its interesting historic associations, to the public without charge.