HC Deb 09 September 1909 vol 10 cc1632-3W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the exposure for sale of picture postcards of an indecent character, and to mutoscopes at railway stations of similar character; and whether he can take steps to check such breaches of the law?


The police take action in all cases of the nature referred to which come to their notice, and which can be brought within the criminal law, with the result that exhibitions of the grosser sorts have been largely stamped out. The Postmaster-General has also recently issued a public notification that the transmission of such postcards by the post is a serious criminal offence. As regards the exhibitions which are of a demoralising and disgusting character, though not coming within the law relating to obscene exhibitions, I hope that when I have an opportunity of passing the Bill which has been prepared to give effect to the recommendations of the Joint Committee on indecent publications and advertisements, it may enable effective action to be taken.