HC Deb 09 September 1909 vol 10 cc1629-30W

asked the Chief Secretary the following questions:—(1) If he can state on what grounds Mrs. Anne O'Brien's name was removed from the final and approved list of evicted tenants for whom parcels of land were mapped out on the de Montalt estate, county Tipperary, which list was read by the Estates Commissioners' inspector, Mr. Lenihan, on 14th April, 1907, and the land distributed amongst the other evicted tenants on 8th May following, Mrs. O'Brien's name being in the meantime removed?

(2) Whether Mrs. Anne O'Brien, evicted tenant, of Golden Hills, county Tipperary, was officially declared, after three years' investigation of her claim, a qualified evicted tenant by the Estates Commissioners, and a parcel of land allotted to her on the de Montalt estate, county Tipperary?

(3) Whether the parcel of land allotted to Mrs. O'Brien was allowed by the Estates Commissioners to remain derelict for six months, and £80 or £100 worth of meadowing to rot on it, and a portion of it finally handed over to a man who holds between 40 and 50 acres of land, and whose claim as an evicted tenant rested on the fact that he was originally evicted from two and a-half acres held under a different landlord?

(4) Whether Mrs. Anne O'Brien was entitled to an equivalent farm, seeing that the farm from which she was evicted could have had a fair rent fixed upon it under the Redemption of Rent Act, 1891, but for the opposition of the landlord, on account of arrears, who insisted on charging her for many years double the rent of any other tenant on the estate for land of similar quality, and seeing that Mrs. O'Brien holds no land and that the holding from which she was evicted was not residential in its character, the valuation of the land being more than double the valuation of the buildings?


I am informed by the Estates Commissioners that the name of Mrs. Anne O'Brien appeared on the provisional scheme for the allotment of the untenanted land on the de Montalt estate. That scheme was purely provi- sional, and had not been finally approved by the Commissioners. After further inquiry and consideration it was amended, and, amongst other things, the parcel in respect of which Mrs. O'Brien's name had been provisionally noted was otherwise allotted. The disposal of such parcels and the selection of the persons to whom they are to be given is a matter within the powers of the Commissioners, and I cannot undertake to give them directions, or to criticise the exercise of their discretion. I am further informed that no application under the Redemption of Rent Act was made to the Land Commission to have a rent fixed under the Land Law Acts in regard to the holding on the Pennefeather estate at one time held under lease by Mrs. O'Brien's father. The Estates Commissioners, after careful consideration of the case and in the exercise of their discretion, have decided to take no further action in reference to her application as an evicted tenant.