HC Deb 06 September 1909 vol 10 c1070W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state when the purchase agreements were signed on the estate of H. S. Sankey Billis, Virginia, county Cavan, and when the vesting orders are likely to be issued; what quantity of un-tenanted land was on hand when the agreements were being signed; and whether the Estates Commissioners will see that any such land is divided amongst the evicted tenants who have applied to be reinstated?


The purchase agreements in the case of this estate were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in February, 1906, and the property has not yet been dealt with under the Irish Land Act, 1903. When it is being dealt with in its proper turn the applications of the evicted tenants will be considered by the Commissioners in connection with the distribution of the untenanted land, which comprises about 77 acres.