HC Deb 20 October 1909 vol 12 cc432-3W

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if the agreement with Mr. Charles Tebbutt, of St. Neots, to farm the land at Bluntiseham, Huntingdonshire, purchased by the council, has expired; and, if so, what steps are the council taking to allot the land to small holders, and when will the small holders be put in possession of this land?


Yes, the agreement has expired, and arrangements are being made to place approved tenants on the land forthwith.


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset what quantity of land the county council of Huntingdonshire have purchased for small holdings in the parish of Farcet; if the council is in possession of such land, and when will the land be allotted to the applicants who have been approved by the small holdings committee; and when will the men be put in possession of the holdings?


The council have acquired a farm of 127 acres by voluntary agreement and one of 113 acres by the exercise of their compulsory powers. Possession will be obtained at Lady-day, 1910.


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset what steps the county council of Huntingdonshire have taken to provide land for small holders in the parishes of Ramsey, St. Mary's, and War-boys; how much land do the council intend to acquire in each of these parishes, and when are the men likely to be placed in possession of the holdings!


The county council have acquired 378 acres in the parish of Ramsey St. Mary, of which 284 acres have already been allotted. Arrangements are now being made to divide up the remainder. Negotiations for acquiring another farm of 285 acres in the same parish are practically complete, and the land has been provisionally allotted to approved applicants. In the parish of Warboys 114 acres have been acquired and let to small holders, and negotiations are in course of completion for the acquisition and allotment of a further area of 487 acres.