HC Deb 04 October 1909 vol 11 cc1816-7W

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of two men recently sent to prison by the Welshpool justices for three months and two months respectively, and to find sureties in the sum of £10, with an intimation that on failure to do this they would have to remain in gaol for an additional period of six months, the offence being that of having unlawfully destroyed certain game, to wit, 12 rabbits; and whether he would consider if this sentence might be mitigated?


The Secretary of State presumes that the case to which my hon. Friend refers is that to which his attention was called by the hon. Members for Exeter and North Mayo by questions put down on the 3rd ultimo. The Secretary of State would refer my hon. Friend to the answer he gave on the 7th ultimo.