HC Deb 24 November 1909 vol 13 c328W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the attention of the Estates Commissioner has been called to the case of William Boyle, a tenant purchaser on the Forbes estate, Ray, near Kilmacrenan, West Donegal, whose farm in question was originally 54 acres but was years ago reduced to 25, the old rent remaining on the 25 acres, and he a future tenant, the landlord keeping in his own hand the other portion; and that when the tenants bought from their landlady Boyle considers he purchased the original holding of 54 acres, but can get no satisfaction; whether he can state the area of the holding in question purchased by Boyle and the amount of the annual instalments; and whether they are calculated on the rent of the 54 acres?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that the owner has instituted proceedings for the direct sale of this estate to the tenants. William Boyle has agreed with the owner for the purchase of a farm containing 25¾ acres, and it is stated in the purchase agreement that he holds the lands as a judicial tenant, subject to a rent of £11 10s. He has also signed a purchase agreement for a second holding, containing 7½ acres; and it is stated in the agreement that he holds the lands as a judicial tenant, subject to a rent of £2. The advances applied for by Boyle in his purchase agreements are £250 and £44, and the annuities thereon would be £8 2s. 6d. and £1 8s. 8d. respectively. The Commissioners have not yet received the report of their inspector on this estate.