HC Deb 03 November 1909 vol 12 cc1967-8W

asked the Postmaster-General if he will state the number of vacancies that occurred for established postmen and postal porters between 1st September, 1908, and 31st August, 1909; and how these vacancies were apportioned between ex-telegraph messengers and ex-soldiers and sailors?


As my hon. Friend is aware, under an arrangement of many years' standing half the vacancies for established postmen and porters have to be offered to ex-soldiers or sailors of good record. The figures asked for in the question are not available for the period mentioned. I may state, however, that between 1st January and 31st December (inclusive, 1908, the 2,700 odd vacancies for established postmen and porters which occurred were filled by 1,366 ex-messengers and 1,334 ex-soldiers and ex-sailors; 24 ex-soldiers also received appointments as sorting clerks and telegraphists, which threw open to ex-messengers that number of additional places as postmen, for in no case is the total number of ex-soldiers entitled to places in the Post Office exceeded.


asked the Postmaster-General why the store porters, classed as redundant and stationed at Studd-street depot, were called upon to pass two Civil Service examinations and still remain porters, whilst other officers who passed the minor examination receive a higher maximum?


The store porters referred to were formerly on the class of established labourers, and before appointment to that class they had to pass the usual Civil Service examination. The further examination which they passed was a competitive examination held among labourers for appointment to the class of store porter. I am not sure who are the other officers referred to, but if my hon. Friend will furnish further particulars I shall make inquiry on the subject.