HC Deb 25 May 1909 vol 5 cc1147-9W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state on what basis of reduced consumption or otherwise the estimated yield of the proposed increase of the tobacco duty is calculated to produce £1,900,000 in 1909-10 and ultimately £2,250,000; and what proportion of this £2,250,000 will be raised in England, Scotland, and Ireland respectively.


In estimating the yield of the proposed increase of the duty at £1,900,000 for the current financial year as against £2,250,000 in a full year, I have allowed for the fact that the additional duties being imposed as from the 30th ultimo, they are applicable only to 11 months of 1909-10. I have also taken into account the forestalments in March and April and the probability of some decrease in consumption. The contributions in a full year from England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland respectively are estimatad to be as follows:—

England and Wales £1,799,000
Scotland 238,000
Ireland 213,000