§ 1906.—Pits and frames in yard reconstructed. 1908.—Pits and frames in yard reconstructed. These are the kitchen from which the feast in the show houses of the garden is supplied.
§ MUSEUM.—1907.—New cases for exhibition of speciments provided especially for exhibits relating to "Nature Study."
§ HERBARIUM.—1907.—Basement of herbarium building made available for collections, and area open to the public thus relieved of congestion. 1908.—Electric lighting introduced and hours of study thus increased.
§ It may be pointed out that the alterations in the grounds have mainly centred during the years since December, 1905, in the south-east corner, an area of the old "Experimental Garden," which as a thicket had not been available to the public, and also along the south boundary, which up to a few years ago abutted on open fields, but now faces Inverleith Terrace. The condition of the ground, which was of less importance when only fields faced it, required drastic treatment, and the work upon it is now nearly completed.