HC Deb 18 May 1909 vol 5 c378W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he can state if the Estates Commissioners will provide Hugh Fox, Lissicairn, Ballina more, county Leitrim, a tenant on the Maguire estate, with a farm of land, in lieu of a portion of his own farm from which he was evicted, and which is at present in the occupation of another tenant on the same property; and, as the property is being sold, if arrangements will be made to compensate the tenant who is in occupation, in case he is willing to take the same, provided that no land can be procured in the district?


I am informed by the Estates Commissioners that Fox has been reinstated in a farm comprising 20 of the 22 acres contained in his former holding. He has applied for the restoration of the remaining two acres, but the Estates Commissioners have decided to take no action in the matter.