HC Deb 17 May 1909 vol 5 cc181-2W

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, what steps the Commissioners of Woods and Forests are taking to meet the demand for houses at Bromham created by the recent development of small holdings cultivation on their estate


The President, as a, Commissioner of Woods and Forests, has offered to recommend to the Treasury the advisability of erecting additional cottages provided the Bromham Parish Council will pay a reasonable percentage on the cost by way of additional rent.


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset what is the present position of the negotiations which have been carried on for some time between the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, as landlord, the parish council, as representing the sub-tenants of the Crown, and the owners of contiguous property, with reference to the proposed new road leading from the Crown small holdings at Bromham to the railway; whether he is aware that the Great Western Railway has lately erected a new halt and siding for the more convenient handling of the produce of these holdings; and whether, in view of the importance to the village of obtaining by means of this new road a shorter outlet to the new halt, he will expedite the negotiations and secure the speedy construction of the road?


The President, as a Commissioner of Woods, has had' negotiations for the purchase of some land with a view to facilitating the formation of the new road referred to, but owing to the vendors requiring, in addition to the full price of all the land, conditions relating to the position and use of the road, which were considered to be contrary to the interest of the Crown, the purchase has not been proceeded with. The President understands that a new halt has been provided by the railway company, which will doubtless be a convenience to the residents in the district.