HC Deb 06 May 1909 vol 4 c1338W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that a Saturday half-holiday was granted to the clerical staff of the General Post Office in June, 1856, by a proclamation in the name of the Postmaster-General, signed by Sir Rowland Hill, and has been continued by successive Postmasters-General on the recommendation of successive secretaries to the Post Office ever since; whether he will explain why he caused a notice to be issued last year pointing out that the enjoyment of these half-holidays was not a right but a concession; whether he is aware that they have actually been withheld in some recent cases; and whether he intends to depart from the policy of all his predecessors in this matter?


The grant of a weekly half-holiday to the clerical staff of the Post Office has always been subject to the requirements of the Service. It recently came to my notice that there was some diversity of practice in different branches of the Department in applying this rule, and instructions on the subject were therefore issued, but there is no change of policy in the matter.