HC Deb 03 May 1909 vol 4 cc856-7W

asked the Secretary of State for War, with reference to the supply of guns to the Territorial Force, if he can state whether it is the practice to, in the first instance, supply the London brigades with the most modern guns and pass on the older ones to the Scottish batteries; if not, can he explain why the Aberdeen batteries, Royal Field Artillery, have had a gun issued to them which in the first place had been issued to the London brigade; and, in view of the fact that, with an establishment of 475 men, the Aberdeen batteries are of a strength of 470, all being four-year men, and that such partial treatment is discouraging to the men, he will discontinue such a practice?


The guns supplied to the Territorial Force are of two different patterns, Marks I. and IV. The first supply issued for instructional purposes was made to all batteries ready for them without regard to pattern. It was, however, necessary to arrange that the country should be divided into two parts so that all the guns in each part should be of the same pattern, in order to facilitate the supply of spare parts, which vary according to the pattern. Mark I. accordingly has been issued to the Scottish, Northern, and Western commands, and Mark IV. to the Eastern, Southern, and London commands. There are, however, 12 Mark IV. in the Northern command, as the stock of Mark I. was insufficient to complete the supply required.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether the issue of 15-pounder B.L.C. guns and stores is now complete, in accordance with his statement that all guns required to complete establishment of guns would be issued to units prior to 31st March; and if he can explain why, up to recently, the gun establishment of a city of Aberdeen battery in the 1st Highland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, was incomplete, and that no small stores had yet been issued?


It was hoped that the issue of the guns would be completed by 31st March. The guns have all been converted, but there are, however, various adjustments and arrangements to be made before the actual despatch. There were on 24th April, 41 awaiting issue, including the two guns due to complete the Highland Brigade. There may be some slight delay in transport, but all will be issued by the end of May.