HC Deb 03 May 1909 vol 4 c858W

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state what steps have been taken to acquire the ranches known as Belsgrove and Moydriston, county Cavan, in the hands of Mr. W. Webb; will he say what other ranches in this district of county Cavan have come under the Estates Commissioners' notice; and whether, in view of the number of uneconomic holdings in the locality, steps will be immediately taken to acquire this untenanted land?


Proceedings have not been instituted before the Estates' Commissioners under the Act of 1903 for the sale of the lands of Belsgrove and Moydriston, but the Commissioners will make inquiries with a view to seeing whether these lands might be acquired under the Evicted Tenants Act for the purpose of providing holdings for suitable evicted tenants whose former holdings are not available. The Commissioners have already purchased and distributed 2,075 acres of untenanted land in county Cavan, and in addition are in negotiations for the purchase of 1,020 acres in that county.