HC Deb 31 March 1909 vol 3 c458W

asked the President of the Local Government Board why the claim for an old age pension on behalf of Hannah Smith, 3, Warder-street, New Wortley, Leeds, has been refused; and whether he is aware that she is a widow, aged 73; has never been convicted; has resided the last 22 years in England; that her sole income is 3s. 6d. a week, derived from a lodger, along with about 2s. a week for sewing; and that she has never received poor law relief during her lifetime?


In this case the pension officer appealed against the decision of the sub-committee allowing a pension, the ground of appeal being that Mrs. Smith had received poor relief together with her husband. The Board communicated with the poor law authorities, and were informed to the effect that relief had been supplied to the woman and her husband jointly for 3½ years up to August last, and that the guardians granted the relief with the full knowledge that it was a joint application. On this information, it appeared that the woman was disqualified.