HC Deb 03 March 1909 vol 1 c1556W

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies if he can state the establishment and strength of the local military forces maintained in Natal, Cape Colony, Transvaal, and Orange River Colony?


The following are the figures:— Natal.—Actual strength of active Militia on 31st December, 1908, was 223 officers and 2,203 other ranks. The establishments was 374 officers and 2,281 other ranks.

Cape.—According to the Commandant-General's report published last year the strength of the Cape Colonial Forces on 31st December, 1907, was 11,190, including 5,695 cadets. The establishment exclusive of cadets was 8,067.

In the Transvaal the establishment was 348 officers and 3,322 other ranks. The actual strength on 31st December, 1908, was 288 officers and 3,080 other ranks, and in addition an establishment of 151 officers and 3,856 cadets and an actual strength of 143 officers and 3,394 cadets.

There are no local military forces in the Orange River Colony.