HC Deb 15 July 1909 vol 7 cc2426-7W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether ho has received any communications expressing dissatisfaction as to the mode of procedure to be adopted re the conciliation scheme of 1907; and whether he will consider the point of view put forward by the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants?


I understand that the hon. Member refers to a question which has arisen as to the method in which applications for alterations in the conditions of employment should be made on the Great Northern Railway of Ireland. The scheme of 1907 provided that such applications should be made "in the usual course," and the question in this case is what was the usual course on this railway. A meeting was held at the Board of Trade on 25th May between representatives of the railway company and employés, when it appeared from the arguments and evidence submitted by the parties that the usual course that had been followed in the past and been by petitions signed by a reasonable number of employés of the class affected, and the view of the Department to that effect was expressed at the meeting.