HC Deb 07 July 1909 vol 7 cc1389-90W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that on the 26th instant an Orange party, returning from the unfurling of a banner at Banbridge, marched through the Catholic quarter of the village of Loughbrickland, contrary to a rule made by the local magistrates to the effect that Orangemen and Catholics should keep to their respective quarters of the village; and whether he will take steps to see that the rule is observed in future?


I am informed by the constabulary authorities that on this occasion it was necessary for the Orange party to pass through the quarter of the village of Loughbrickland referred to in the ques- tion in order to get home from Banbridge. The local magistrates some years ago advised both parties to try to keep to their own quarters of the village except on special occasions, and this rule is duly observed.