HC Deb 01 December 1909 vol 13 cc533-4W

asked the Chief Secretary whether the sale of the Knox estate, situate in the congested district of Curry, Union of Tubbereurry and county of Sligo, has been sanctioned by the Estates Commissioners; and, if so, whether adequate provision has been made for the reinstatement of the evicted tenants on that estate?


The Estates Commissioners have had an inspection made of the holdings of the two evicted tenants, containing in all some 20 acres, and have estmated the prices which they would be prepared to advance if formal proceedings for sale were instituted before them by the owners. The Commissioners understand from inquiries they have made that the lands are owned by a number of owners and that the title is a most complicated one, and they have been informed by the solicitor for the owners that, as the costs in connection with the title alone would amount to a great deal more than the purchase money of the holdings and the result would be a loss to his clients instead of a gain, they cannot institute proceedings for the sale of the evicted holdings alone. The sale of these holdings will be further considered by the Commissioners when proceedings for the sale of the entire estate are instituted before them, but pending this they cannot take any further action in the matter.