HC Deb 01 December 1909 vol 13 cc532-3W

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state the total amounts claimed for extra police serving in county Longford for the years ending 30th.September, 1907, 1908, and 1909; whether his attention has been called to the fact that there is no necessity whatever for an extra police force at Graffogue, county Longford; whether he is aware that the extra men in this case are men taken from the adjoining police barracks of Granard and Ballinalee whose places are not refilled; and why such men should be charged for as extra men at all?


The extra police expenses claimed from the county of Longford are as follows:—

£ s. d.
For the year ended 30th Sept., 1907 94 10 4
Do. do. do. 1908 703 13 9
Do. do. do. 1909 1014 8 5
A post was recently established at Graffogue for protection purposes, and I am informed by the responsible police authorities that it cannot be dispensed with. There are two police stationed at it. One of them was transferred from Granard, and his place has not, so far, been filled. The other was taken from Ballinalee, but his place has been filled. The charge against county of Longford for extra police is in respect of additional men appointed for the entire county.