HC Deb 30 August 1909 vol 10 c157W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he has refused to grant a licence under the Wireless Telegraph Act to Mr. C. E. Kelway in connection with, and thereby stopped the establishment of, proposed installations of his sound-locating system at Dover and generally on the South and South-East coasts of England; and, if so, whether that refusal is due to objections raised by the Admiralty?


Mr. Kelway's sound-locating system involves the use of wireless electric signals, and I was sorry to be compelled some time ago, after consultation with the Admiralty, to refuse the grant of a licence to him for its installation at Dover or on the South or South-East coast of England. The reason for the refusal was the risk involved, in connection with the working of the system, of interference with the naval and commercial wireless telegraphy which is so largely carried on in those regions. A licence was, however, offered to Mr. Kelway for the trial of his system in some locality where this objection did not apply.