§ Mr. RAPHAELasked how many applications for small holdings and allotments have been made in South Derbyshire under the statute of last year, and the number of acres applied for; what seeps the county council of Derbyshire have taken to give effect to these applications; and if the Board of Agriculture has been in communication with the Derbyshire County Council with a view of expediting the operation of the Act?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYFifty-four applications for 832 acres have been received. Thirty-seven of these were provisionally approved, and the applicants were written to in May and asked if they still desired land. Excluding those who have acquired small holdings by private arrangement and those who have not replied to the inquiry of the county council, there are now 13 suitable applicants for whom the council are prepared to find 154 acres. The council have for some time past had under consideration the purchase of a farm of 324 acres, but they decided recently not to1502W proceed with the purchase owing to the inadequacy of the water supply. They are, however, endeavouring to obtain land elsewhere. We are in continuous communication with the council as to the steps to be taken to satisfy the demand.