HC Deb 28 April 1909 vol 4 cc452-3W

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether he can state the amount of land which, during the present year, it has been arranged to acquire in Kent for small holdings, the situation of such land, together with the acreage and the number of applicants who will be satisfied thereby?


The amount of land which the Kent County Council has acquired, or arranged to acquire, during the present year for the purpose of small hold- ings is 260a 1r. 21p. The situation and acreage of this land is as follows:—

Parish. Acreage.
a. r. p.
Tenterden and High Halden 56 3 39
Woodnesborough 4 3 8
Northbourne 20 0 0
Snargate 6 2 21
East Malling 34 0 13
Marden 95 0 32
Sturry 20 0 5
Ripple 5 2 19
Willesborough 7 0 4
Charing 10 0 0
The number of applicants which will be satisfied by the above-mentioned land is 19.