HC Deb 26 April 1909 vol 4 c162W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that Miss Patricia Woodcock, a member of a women's suffrage deputation appointed by the National Women's Social and Political Union, was arrested and charged with assaulting the police, and sentenced on 31st March, at Bow Street, to three months' imprisonment in the second division, in default of finding securities; and whether, having regard to the fact that if Miss Woodcock earns the remission to which good conduct entitles her she must, under the terms of the sentence, remain in prison until 16th June, he will consider the advisability of taking steps for the shortening of this term of imprisonment inflicted on a political offender and accompanied with incidents of personal indignity to which public opinion is adverse?


This lady, who had three times previously been committed for the same class of offence, and who intimated that if released she would straightway do the same thing, was only required to give securities for good behaviour, and can therefore come out of prison at any time on complying with the order of the Court. I see no reason for interference on my part.