HC Deb 22 April 1909 vol 3 cc1787-8W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what is the amount of advances made up to 31st March, 1909, under sec- tion 16 of the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1696; how many cottages and allotments have been sanctioned since the passing of the Labourers Act of 1906, and what is the estimated cost of providing such cottages and allotments; and how many cottages and allotments are included in schemes under the Labourers Acts, pending and not sanctioned, and what is the estimated cost of providing the same?


The Local Government Board inform me that the total amount of loans which, up to the 31st March, 1909, rural district councils had been authorised to borrow out of the £4,250,000 provided by section 16 of the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906, was £2,815,754 in respect of 15,433 cottages and 2,537 allotments. Of this sum the advances actually made amounted to £1,042,595. Between the 1st November, 1906, and the 20th inst., 19,267 cottages and 3,558 allotments have been sanctioned, the estimated cost of providing them being about £3,450,000. At the present date 2,200 cottages and 284 allotments are included in opposed orders, in orders where the time for appealing has not expired, and in schemes submitted to the Board, but for which orders have not yet been made. The cost of providing these cottages and allotments would be about £390,000, but it is unlikely that they will all be finally sanctioned.