HC Deb 19 April 1909 vol 3 cc1370-1W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that a motor taxicabdriver named George Henry Towers, badge 1919, residing at 200, Royal Mint-square, Minories, was charged with being intoxicated on Sunday, 2nd August, 1908, about 7.45 p.m., and taken to John-street, Edgware-road, police-station, and after being examined by the doctor was let out on his own recognisances; that on the following day he appeared before Mr. Plowden and was discharged, and continued to follow his occupation until his licence expired on 28th February, 1909, and that when he applied for it to be renewed it was refused by the authorities at Scotland Yard; and would he grant this man another mechanical licence, in view of his character previous to his being a licensed driver, or see that his case is thoroughly investigated?


I am aware of the facts mentioned. In granting and renewing cabdrivers' licences, the Commissioner of Police has to take into consideration the whole of the facts relating to a man's fitness to hold a licence. This was done in Towers' case. The decision did not turn merely on the conduct which led to the charge mentioned in the question; and on full consideration I see no ground for any interference with the decision.