HC Deb 05 April 1909 vol 3 c880W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that on 25th March, 1909, the steamer "Kenilworth," of Newcastle, engaged a crew on board at South Shields instead of at the Mercantile Marine office; whether he is aware that of the seven deck hands only three were qualified A.B.'s, the remainder being engaged as sailors, without producing continuous discharge books; whether the deputy superintendent who witnessed the engagement of the crew reported the inefficient manning of this ship to the detaining officer; whether any officers of the Board of Trade visited this ship for the purpose of testing the efficiency of the crew; and whether any report on the matter has been submitted to the Board of Trade?


I have received a Report from the superintendent of the Mercantile Marine Office at South Shields respecting the engagement of the crew of the ss. "Kenilworth" on board the vessel at that port on 26th March last. The deck portion of the crew consisted of one boatswain, one carpenter, two duly qualified A.B.'s, and four sailors, of whom two produced discharge books and one a certificate of discharge showing service in the coasting trade. The deputy superintendent who witnessed the engagement of the crew had no reason to believe that the requirements as to manning were not complied with, and did not, therefore, communicate with the detaining officer, as he would have done if the vessel had not the requisite number of efficient deck hands.