HL Deb 02 February 2005 vol 669 cc52-4WA
The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

On how many occasions (i) Lord Birt, and (ii) the Chancellor of the Exchequer met the Prime Minister in each month of the final quarter of 2004, distinguishing between:

  1. (a) bilateral meetings on policy or presentation;
  2. (b) informal policy meetings involving other Ministers, chaired by the Prime Minister;
  3. WA 53
  4. (c) informal policy meetings involving other No. 10 Downing Street staff, chaired by the Prime Minister; and
  5. (d) attendance at Cabinet or Cabinet Committee meetings; and [HL706]

On what aspects of Government policy Lord Birt has prepared written reports or recommendations; how many such reports there have been; and within which Government departments each such report has been circulated; and [HL711]

On how many occasions since 9 September 2004 the Lord Birt has met

  1. (a) the Chancellor of the Exchequer;
  2. (b) the Lord Chancellor; and
  3. (c) the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

to discuss government policy or for other official purposes. [HL757]

Lord Bassani of Brighton

Information relating to internal meetings, discussion and advice and the proceedings of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees is not disclosed as to do so could harm the frankness and candour of internal discussion.

The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether Lord Birt—

  1. (a) has an office or offices in Whitehall and, if so, where and at what notional cost, calculated at current equivalent private sector rates per square foot; and
  2. (b) has any support staff provided to him or has use of office staff in Whitehall and, if so, what is the cost of that official time. [HL707]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

Lord Birt has the use of an office in No. 10. He has shared access to one member of support staff within No. 10. It would not be appropriate to identify separately those costs as to do so would reveal personal information about that individual's salary.

The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether Lord Birt—

  1. (a) has the use of lunch or dining facilities in Whitehall;
  2. (b) has claimed any expenses in his role as strategic adviser and, if so, what sums have been claimed; and
  3. (c) has access to Downing Street or Cabinet office stationery and use of the government postal service. [HL 708]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

Canteen facilities are available to all those working in Whitehall, including Lord Birt. Lord Birt is entitled to claim reasonable expenses incurred during his work. He claimed £168 for travel expenses in 2003, and £61.80 in 2004. Lord Birt has access to official stationery and the government postal service for official use.

The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether Lord Birt has used the services of any consultants contracted to the Government or has had the cost of consultants met by the Government; and [HL709]

Whether Lord Birt has ever recommended the use of consultants by the Prime Minister or government departments; and, if so, for what purposes. [HL710]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

Lord Birt works alongside officials and Strategy Unit advisers on a range of issues. He is an unpaid adviser who does not have the power to contract with or select consultants on behalf of the Government.