HC Deb 21 May 2004 vol 421 cc1240-1W
Mr. Amess

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to his answer of 17 May 2004,Official Report, column 705W, on pre-schools, what plans he has to make a degree qualification essential for teaching under-8s; and if he will make a statement. [175173]

Mr. Miliband

All qualified teachers in maintained primary schools or non-maintained special schools will hold a first degree or equivalent qualification. Adults who are not qualified teachers and who do not necessarily have a degree qualification may also teach in such schools in specific circumstances set out in the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003.

Table A: Capital allocations: Warrington local education authority.
All figures in £000
1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Assistance wth AMPs 27
Basic L C Vap 49 276
Basic Need 1,189 829 2,389 3,434 2,453
Class Size initiative 347 1,261 282 640 176
Condition 1,040 1,517
Devolved Formula 1,438 1,172 1,786
Energy 62
Modernisaton (Primary)
Modernisation LEA
Modernisation LEA 611
Modernisation VA 148
NDS2 1,083
NDS3 1,500
NDS4 2,660
Outside Toilets 56
School Labs 149 149
School Security 66 67 67 47 40
Schools Access Intitiave 69 100 140 229 298
Secondary Learning Support Units 43 47 58
Seed Challenge 152 167 274
Specialist Schools 100 100
Staff Workspace 60
Supplementary Credit Approvals 193 503 219
Supplementary NDS for VA Schools 116
Voluntary Aided School Grant 207 438 505 584 630
Total 3,272 4,222 8,041 8,061 8,646

So far Warrington LEA has also been allocated £10.2 million over the two years 2004–05 and 2005–06