HC Deb 17 May 2004 vol 421 cc704-5W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills for what(a) initiatives, (b) campaigns and (c) advisory bodies relating to older people his Department (i) is responsible and (ii) has provided funding since 2001; and what the cost in each year was for each one. [166237]

Alan Johnson

The tables set out the work the Department for Education and Skills has undertaken or funded since 2001 to promote learning for older people (50+). The main work is support for projects under(a) initiatives.

The Department has not been responsible for or funded any (b) campaigns. Likewise the Department has not established or funded any national advisory bodies for older people under (c).

(a) Initiatives: 2001–02
Title Cost (£) Organisation
4th Age Learning at home and in day care 33,000 NIACE
Senior Learner Awards 17,100 NIACE
Skills for Older People 50,000 NIACE
Drawn from Memory 20,000 Adult and Community Learning in Oxfordshire
Total funding 427,700

Title Cost (£) Organisation
DfES/BGOP conference 9,000 Better Government for Older People
Senior Peer Physical Activity Motivator Programme 9,700 British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health
Peer Group Training for Older People 80,000 Community Education Development Centre
Days out! Days in!—4th age learning at home and in day care provision 33,000 NIACE
Fred Moore Institutional Award 21,300 NIACE
Why, Where, What and How Older People Learn 37,800 NIACE
Spotlight 2002 146,440 Meridian Broadcasting Charitable Trust
Senior Learner Awards 28,942 NIACE
USA Development Projects 26,680 The Third Age Trust
Learning Support for Older People 70,000 NIACE
Involving adults in learning through sport 3,000 Youth Sport Trust
LiveAge cd-rom 13,105 Leicester Adult Education College
e-Finance Project 2,000 Coventry City Council
Total Funding 480,967
Title Cost (£) Organisation
Senior Learner Awards 31,430 NIACE
Fred Moore Institutional 21,300 NIACE
Awards for 2004
USA Development Projects 17,180 The Third Age Trust
Older and Bolder 71,750 NIACE
Total Funding 141,660

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