HC Deb 20 May 2004 vol 421 cc1213-4W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for what(a) initiatives, (b) campaigns and (c) advisory bodies relating to older people his Department (i) is responsible and (ii) has provided

Initiatives, Campaigns and Advisory bodies relating to Older People in NI from 2001
(a) Initiatives
Department Initiative 2001–02 Costs (£)



Concessionary Board

Concessionary Permit Fee for fishing Public Angling Estate

for over 60 year olds + Concessionary Angling Licence Fee

for over 60 year olds

DEL "New Deal 50 + 1,435,000 1,151,000 854,000
DHSSPS "Keep Warm, Keep Well" 13,686 No grant made 12,550
DRD Concessionary Fares Scheme for over 65 year olds 22,918,000 26,682,644 26,853,750
DSD Warm Homes and Warm Homes Plus 34,300,000 37,952,000 310,650,000
DSD Locks for the Elderly Scheme 150,000
DSD Londonderry Regeneration Initiative:

Age Concern

21,600 22,300 23,000
DSD University for the Third Age 8,700 6,200
DSD Making Belfast Work:

Engage with Age

342,000 74,000 117,000
NIO Be Sure Be Secure 60,614
NIO Lock Out Crime Scheme 152,795
Drama School 1,000
Competition 705
2Includes costs for public bus travel only
3Includes people under 50 years receiving benefits under Warm Homes scheme.

(b) Campaigns
Department Campaigns 2001–02 Costs (£)


DETI Age Positive Launched

January 20041

DRD Promotion of Free Travel for Older People 120,000
DSD—Social Security Agency Pension Credit Advertising Campaign2 Not available2
NIO Stay Safe Secure 111,540
1Costs of Age Positive campaign in fin uncial year 2004–05 expected to be £70,000.
2In addition to the Pension Credit Advertising Campaign, from 2001 DSD Social Security Agency has been engaged in a range of initiatives and campaigns to promote awareness of benefits for older people, which has incurred an overall cost of over £1 million.

(c) Advisory Bodies
Costs (£)
Department Advisory Body 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04
DHSSPS Age Concern (NI) 151,377 155,161 161,305
DHSSPS Help the Aged (NI) 42,000 43.050 44,755

In addition, there are a number of general initiatives carried out by Departments which will inevitably impact on older people. For example, DARD carry out programmes and initiatives for farmers, 42 per cent. of whom in NI are over 50 years; and DEL's New Deal 25+ programme includes participants aged 25–64 years.

funding since 2001; and what the cost in each year was for each one. [166242]

Mr. Spellar

The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister is currently developing an older people's strategy entitled Ageing in an Inclusive Society within the context of the Promoting Social Inclusion element of the New Targeting Social Need policy, which is due to be published for public consultation shortly.

Set out as follows is available information on departmental initiatives, campaigns and advisory bodies relating to older people, and corresponding costs for each financial year from 2001–02:

Also, DRD is developing an Accessible Transport Strategy to improve access to the transport system for older people and people with disabilities, which is currently under public consultation.