HC Deb 20 June 2003 vol 407 c530W
Mr. Horam

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister which United Kingdom commitments arising from the World Summit on Sustainable Development(a) have been incorporated into the Department's existing delivery plan for Service Delivery Agreements and (b) will be incorporated in its delivery plan for Service Delivery Agreements in advance of the 2004 Spending Review. [113879]

Keith Hill

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is committed to promoting the achievement of sustainable development in the UK, in support of the WSSD commitments, through a range of policies and programmes. We have published the Sustainable Communities Plan, held an 'Urban Summit' and will be holding a 'Better Buildings' Summit later this year. All of these have sustainable development at their core. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's Delivery Agreements relating to sustainable communities, sustainable regional economic growth, the provision of decent housing and action to promote neighbourhood renewal and reduce social exclusion, are all in support of successive sustainable development aims and commitments. In addition, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister supports the Government's aim of sustainable development in specific areas, for example, promoting energy efficiency in buildings as part of the Government's Energy White Paper and in areas set out in the Memorandum submitted to the Environmental Audit Committee.

We cannot at this stage pre-empt the arrangements for the 2004 Spending Review, though we will continue to ensure that sustainable development is at the heart of the work of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.