HC Deb 18 July 2003 vol 409 c758W
Mr. Reed

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many schools were placed into special measures between 1996–97 and 2002–03 in each banding for socio-economic circumstances in the National Benchmark Tables. [125221]

Margaret Hodge

Information is shown in the following table:

FSM Band1 Number
Primary schools2
Up to and including 8% 113
More than 8% up to 20% 238
More than 20% up to 35% 233
More than 35% up to 50% 223
more than 50% 170
Total 978
Secondary schools3
Up to and including 5% 2
more than 5% up to 9% 9
More than 9% up to 13% 5
more than 13% up to 21 % 27
More than 21 % up to 35% 68
More than 35% up to 50% 51
more than 50% 39
Total 201


  1. 1. Schools are shown in the Free School Meal (FSM) band within the Autumn Package of Pupil Performance Information of the academic year in which they were placed in special measures, except for schools entering special measures in 2002–03 which have been placed in the band in which they were reported in the 2002 benchmark tables.
  2. 2. Maintained, mainstream schools included in the KS1 and/or KS2 benchmark tables. One school—The Five Islands' CE Primary School, Isles of Scilly—was placed in special measures on 3 July 2003 and is an amalgamation of 4 previous schools, and has been excluded from the above table.
  3. 3. Maintained, mainstream schools included in the KS3 and/or GCSE/GNVQ benchmark tables.