HC Deb 18 July 2003 vol 409 cc716-78W
  1. Disabled Children (Family Support) 121 words
  2. c717W
  3. Learning Disabilities (Support) 230 words
  4. c717W
  5. Adult Learning Programmes 45 words
  6. cc717-8W
  7. Advice Partnerships/Helpline 91 words
  8. c718W
  9. Centres of Vocational Excellence 93 words
  10. c718W
  11. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service 182 words
  12. c718W
  13. Child Law Reform 74 words
  14. cc718-9W
  15. Child Care 479 words
  16. cc719-20W
  17. Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Services 180 words
  18. c720W
  19. City Academies 188 words
  20. cc720-1W
  21. Class Sizes 279 words
  22. c721W
  23. Community Learning 99 words
  24. cc721-3W
  25. Connexions 757 words
  26. cc723-4W
  27. County Council Support Grants 661 words
  28. c724W
  29. Degree Qualifications 49 words
  30. cc724-5W
  31. Department staff 387 words
  32. cc725-6W
  33. Disabled Students 398 words
  34. cc726-7W
  35. E-learning 61 words
  36. c727W
  37. E2E Programme 68 words
  38. cc727-8W
  39. Skills Strategy 743 words
  40. cc728-9W
  41. Entitlement Cards 127 words
  42. c729W
  43. Environmental Impact 175 words
  44. cc729-30W
  45. EU Committees 333 words
  46. c730W
  47. EU Directives 194 words
  48. cc730-1W
  49. European Constitution 137 words
  50. c731W
  51. Fieldwork 219 words
  52. cc731-2W
  53. Free Nursery Places 394 words
  54. c732W
  55. Foundation Skills 77 words
  56. cc732-3W
  57. Further Education 536 words
  58. cc733-4W
  59. GCSE Mathematics 171 words
  60. c734W
  61. Good Practice Frameworks 140 words
  62. cc734-44W
  63. Higher Education 5,352 words
  64. cc744-5W
  65. Independent Schools 82 words
  66. cc745-6W
  67. Individual Learning Accounts 894 words
  68. cc746-7W
  69. IT Contracts 175 words
  70. c747W
  71. Learning Difficulties 157 words
  72. cc747-8W
  73. Leeds Study Support Centres 221 words
  74. c748W
  75. Leicestershire Schools 374 words
  76. cc748-9W
  77. Level 2/3 Qualifications 373 words
  78. c749W
  79. Medical Schools 152 words
  80. cc749-51W
  81. Media Training 639 words
  82. c751W
  83. Mental Health 87 words
  84. cc751-2W
  85. Middle Schools 146 words
  86. c752W
  87. Modern Apprenticeships 228 words
  88. c752W
  89. Modern Languages 97 words
  90. cc752-3W
  91. National Professional Qualification for Headship 158 words
  92. c753W
  93. National Skills Strategy 175 words
  94. c753W
  95. Positive Activities for Young People Scheme 189 words
  96. cc753-4W
  97. Prison Education 200 words
  98. c754W
  99. Public Sector Apprentices 86 words
  100. c754W
  101. Public Service Agreements 109 words
  102. cc754-5W
  103. Regional Employment and Skills Action 135 words
  104. cc755-6W
  105. Research Funding 496 words
  106. c756W
  107. School Budgets 327 words
  108. cc756-7W
  109. School Fires 41 words
  110. c757W
  111. School Meals 323 words
  112. cc757-8W
  113. Schools (Funding) 67 words
  114. c758W
  115. Special Measures 301 words
  116. cc758-9W
  117. Secondary and Post-secondary Education 133 words
  118. c759W
  119. Sex Education 171 words
  120. c759W
  121. SMEs 325 words
  122. cc759-60W
  123. Special Advisers 103 words
  124. c760W
  125. Specialist Schools 166 words
  126. cc760-1W
  127. Staff Costs 250 words
  128. cc761-2W
  129. Student Debt 656 words
  130. cc762-7W
  131. Student Finance 3,687 words
  132. c767W
  133. Student Loan Company 170 words
  134. cc767-70W
  135. Student Loans 1,108 words
  136. c770W
  137. Students 214 words
  138. cc770-2W
  139. Sure Start 582 words
  140. c772W
  141. Teacher Redundancies 245 words
  142. c772W
  143. Teacher Training Targets 63 words
  144. cc772-3W
  145. Teachers' Pensions 441 words
  146. cc773-4W
  147. Telecommunication Masts 69 words
  148. c774W
  149. Tomlinson Inquiry 59 words
  150. c774W
  151. Training and Enterprise Council 64 words
  152. c774W
  153. Transferable Key Skills 67 words
  154. cc774-5W
  155. University Admissions 209 words
  156. c775W
  157. University Research Ratings 112 words
  158. cc775-7W
  159. University Students 891 words
  160. c777W
  161. Written Ministerial Statements 29 words
  162. cc777-8W
  163. Youth Unemployment 288 words