HL Deb 16 January 2002 vol 630 cc157-8WA
Lord Patten

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the purpose of the office of the Deputy Prime Minister. [HL1805]

The Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Lord Macdonald of Tradeston)

The office of the Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister. He is supported by a Minister of State (Mrs Barbara Roche MP), by a Parliamentary Secretary (Mr Christopher Leslie MP), and by myself for business in the House of Lords.

As First Secretary of State, the Deputy Prime Minister continues to deputise for the Prime Minister as required, drawing on the resources of other parts of the Cabinet Office as necessary. He oversees the work of the Social Exclusion Unit, which reports to the Prime Minister through him. He is also responsible for the Regional Co-ordination Unit and the nine Government Offices for the Regions. The Prime Minister has also asked him to be responsible for a White Paper on regional governance, in close liaison with my right honourable friend, the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions and in co-operation with other Cabinet colleagues.

On international matters, the Deputy Prime Minister supports the Prime Minister. He continues to play a role in international climate change discussions and negotiations on behalf of the Prime Minister. More recently, the Prime Minister has also asked the Deputy Prime Minister to take on a similar role in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) to be held in Johannesburg in September 2002. In addition he sees visiting dignitaries and undertakes overseas visits on behalf of the Prime Minister; and oversees the work of the International Public Service Group. He also carries ministerial responsibility for the British-Irish Council and will deputise as necessary for the Prime Minister at meetings of the council.

The Deputy Prime Minister chairs Cabinet committees on domestic affairs and on the nations and regions; and sub-committees on social exclusion and regeneration and on energy policy. He also chairs the newly established Ministerial Group (MISC18) on WSSD and continues to chair the Committee on the Environment.

The Minister of State in the Deputy Prime Minister's Office supports the Deputy Prime Minister across the full range of his duties. In particular, the Minister oversees the work of the Regional Co-ordination Unit and the Government Offices for the Regions, reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister on the development of their role and on the work of the regional network of the COI. The Minister leads on projects arising out of the work of the Social Exclusion Unit, is responsible for the work of the Business Co-ordination Unit, and acts as sponsor Minister for a number of PIU projects. She is also a member of a number of Cabinet committees, including those on the regions and social exclusion.

In addition, the Minister of State in the Deputy Prime Minister's office is Minister for Women. She co-ordinates equality issues across Whitehall as Chair of the Cabinet sub-committee on equality and has responsibility for the implementation of Article 13 (reporting to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry) and co-ordination of cross-cutting equality issues (on behalf of the three lead equality Ministers). She also reports to my right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry as the Cabinet Minister for Women on the day-to-day oversight of the Women and Equality Unit and sponsorship of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Women's National Commission.

The Parliamentary Secretary supports the Minister of State and the Deputy Prime Minister across the range of their duties. He is also the Minister answerable in the Commons for the business I deal with and for day-to-day decisions on the Civil Service under the Prime Minister as Minister for the Civil Service.

As Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, I report direct to the Prime Minister. I also work closely with the Deputy Prime Minister as appropriate on related cross-cutting issues covered by the Cabinet committees under his chairmanship.