HC Deb 27 February 2002 vol 380 cc1368-9W
Mr. Don Foster

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will make a statement on the underspend in his Department for each year since 1997–98 for(a) total expenditure and (b) rail expenditure in each case providing details of the (i) amount and (ii) financial year to which any underspend has been re-allocated. [37223]

Dr. Whitehead

Provisional outturn against cash limits and against cash departmental expenditure limits, which replaced cash limits from 1 April 1999, is published in the relevant editions of the Public Expenditure Provisional Outturn White Paper. Amounts taken up under end year flexibility arrangements are announced in written answers preceding supplementary estimates and at the end of each financial year. It is not possible to provide separate figures in respect of rail expenditure on a comparable basis.

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