HC Deb 15 February 2001 vol 363 cc223-5W
Mr. Gordon Prentice

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what initiatives embarked upon since May 1997 have benefited Pendle; and if he will make a Statement. [149906]

Ms Beverley Hughes

The constituency of Pendle has benefited from a range of Government Initiatives since May 1997, including:

Capital allocations for housing
Year £ million
1997–98 2.0
1998–99 2.3
1999–2000 2.4
2000–01 3.0
2001–02 3.6

Under the Government's first comprehensive spending review, Pendle received significantly more resources for housing. For the years 1998–99 and 1999–2000 the authority received more than £1.5 million over and above its normal HIP allocation through the capital receipts initiative (when resources distributed under the CRI were identified separately) and in the current year the authority's total allocation rose again by a further 27 per cent. Following the spending review 2000, the amount allocated to the authority for housing next year totals over £3.7 million. This compares to a figure of £2.015 million which had been allocated in 1997–98.

Also in 2000, measures were announced enabling authorities to support the renovation and improvement of private sector housing in a more targeted way. We also announced our intention to proceed with more fundamental reforms to the legislation to give authorities more effective powers to turn around areas of low demand and unpopular housing.

Single Regeneration Budget:

SRB Round 2—The Way Ahead—Pendle

A six-year strategy to arrest decline caused by contraction of the manufacturing industry. The two main themes are for developing business opportunities and developing people. With diversification the aim is to create a stronger, less vulnerable economy. A private sector-led partnership with involvement of the community.

SRB total—£9.3 million (scheme period 1996–97 to 2001–02)

SRB Round 4—Pendle Youth Focus—Kick Start for jobs

A seven-year scheme to tackle low educational attainment and high unemployment among 16–24-year-olds in Pendle by working with local employers to identify skill needs. It will provide dedicated training and assistance in accessing jobs.

SRB total £2.6 million (scheme period 1998–99 to 2004–05)

SRB Round 5—Pendle—Opening Doors, Unlocking Opportunities

This seven-year scheme targets the five most deprived wards in Pendle. It aims to support community capacity building and enterprise, improve skill levels, health and access to jobs.

SRB total—£16 million (scheme period 1999–2000 to 2005–06)

SRB Round 6—The Time is Now for Nelson, Pendle

A seven-year scheme targeting Central Nelson and Brierfield. It aims to support planning housing improvements in Nelson with a package of measures to improve health, reduce crime, improve the local environment and encourage new small business.

SRB total—£12 million (scheme period 2000–01 to 2006–07)

Local Transport Plans
Year £million
1997–98 111
1998–99 18
1999–2000 110
2000–01 211
2001–02 28
1 These figures are for Lancashire County Council's Transport Policies and Programmes allocation.
2 This figure is from Lancashire County Council's Provision Local Transport Plan settlement.

It is not possible to determine exactly how much of these amounts has been spent on the Pendle constituency. The constituency has benefited from Lancashire County Council's integrated transport policies.

European Funding

The East Lancashire Partnership (ELP) comprises representatives interest from the six local authority districts of East Lancashire, including Pendle.

Under the GMLC programme, ELP was allocated some £10.65 million grant (European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF)) for a range of business support and vocational training activities. Pendle was a significant beneficiary of this overall resource.

In addition, Pendle was allocated a £5 million ERDF grant for Nelson town centre initiatives.

Community economic development support totalling £1.2 million grant has been allocated for Nelson and the Waterside and Brierfields Wards.

The resources detailed must be drawn down by the end of December 2001.

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund

Pendle will receive the following indicative funding over the next three years:

Year £ million
2001–02 0.98
2002–03 1.47
2003–04 1.96

New Commitment to Regeneration

There is one pathfinder in East Lancashire, which includes Pendle.

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