HC Deb 07 February 2001 vol 362 cc529-33W
Charlotte Atkins

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will set out with statistical information relating as directly as possible to Staffordshire, Moorlands constituency, the effects on Staffordshire, Moorlands of his Department's policies and actions(a) since 2 May 1997 and (b) in the 12 months ending on 1 May 1997. [149193]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Staffordshire, Moorlands has benefited from a range of Government initiatives since 2 May 1997 and in the 12 months ending on 1 May 1997 as follows:

General Grant

General Grant (Revenue Support Grant, National Non Domestic Rates, and damping grants) is as follows:

Newcastle under-Lyme Staffordshire, Moorlands Staffordshire CC
1996–97 6.781 4.794 1
1997–98 6.419 4.586 343.899
1998–99 6.899 4.537 363.545

Newcastle under-Lyme Staffordshire Moorlands Staffordshire CC
1999–2000 7.067 4.632 383.788
2000–01 7.315 4.770 397.940
2001–02 7.641 4.941 408.474
1 No figures for 1996–97 are available as Staffordshire County Council was affected by reorganisation.


These figures have been adjusted to make year on year comparisons possible.

Staffordshire Local Transport Expenditure Settlement 1997 to 2001

The table shows the local transport expenditure to Staffordshire county council from 1997 to 2001. It should be noted that it is not possible to breakdown the allocations to Staffordshire, Moorlands only. To break down the expenditure into the individual districts of north Staffordshire would require a detailed examination of previous LTP and TPP documents and an estimate made of the cost of the works.

For the year 1996–97, the local transport settlement for Staffordshire included Stoke City Council. To establish a figure for this one year period would necessitate breaking down this figure and this is not easily obtainable.

Authority/district: Staffordshire
Provisional TPP allocation Staffordshire Newcastle- under-Lyme1
Block allocation 5,700 Not split
Maintenance 8,675 Not split
Major schemes 23,750 Not split
Total 18,125 Not split
Block allocation 2,600 n/a
Maintenance 4,554 n/a
Major schemes 33,800 n/a
Total 10,954 n/a
Block allocation 2,175 4190
Maintenance 3,878 n/a
Major schemes 0 n/a
Total 5,603 190
Block allocation 578 4124
Maintenance 4,062 n/a
Major schemes 600 n/a
Total 5,240 124
Block allocation 694 4124
Maintenance 5,346 n/a
Major schemes 9,400 n/a
Total 15,440 124
n/a = not available
1 As part of north Staffordshire package
2 Includes expenditure for Biddulph Inner Bypass
3 Includes expenditure for Burntwood Bypass
4 When combined with north Staffordshire package

Housing investment programme resources to Staffordshire, Moorlands district

Main HIP1 Capital receipts initiatives2 Indicative major repair allowance(MRA)3,4 Totals
1997–98 0.98 0.161 1.141
1998–99 0.876 0.515 1.391
1999–2000 0.908 0.482 1.39
2000–01 2.05 2.05
2001–02 1.014 1.601 2.615
Total 5.828 1.158 8.587
Total less 1997–98 HIP 7.607
1 The main HIP figure in italics was allocated by the previous Government.
2 This was the fulfilling of the new Government's Manifesto commitment to allow LAs to spend more of their receipts from Right to Buy sales. The initiative ended in 1999–2000, thereafter additional resources have been allocated through the main HIP programme.
3 Introduced from 1 April 2001
4 Staffordshire, Moorlands DC is on the 2000–01 stock transfer programme and have had a successful tenants' ballot. The expectation is that, subject to the Secretary of State's consent, the council will transfer all their stock to a new Registered Social Landlord before the end of 2000–01, in which case the council will not qualify for MRA.

Land and property projects

Staffordshire, Moorlands
Total forecast value 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 Spend to date 2000–01 Total spend profile
Workspace projects
Ipstones Roofs 26,000 15,000 15,000
Victoria Colliery 10,000 4,894 3,785 584 9,263
Wharf Road 2,000 1,728 272 2,000
Far Lane Est., Ipstones 6,864 6,864 6,864
Total 44,864 15,000 6,622 4,057 7,448 33,127
EP projects Victoria Colliery1 40,000
Overall total land and property 84,864 15,000 6,622 4,057 33,127
1 Preliminary investigation work

Single Regeneration Budget programme

Round 2 Leek Round 4 Biddulph Round 5 rural regeneration NE staffs Total Cumulative pre and post 1996–97
1996–97 165 0 165
1997–98 287 0 0 287
1998–99 182 37 0 219 506
1999–2000 31 77 27 135 641
2000–01 131 71 279 479 1,120
2001–02 262 114 641 1,017 2,137

Housing resources allocated in the 12 months ending 1 May 1997

£ million
1996–97 1.29
1997–98 0.98
Total 2.27
1 HIP allocations are issued every December, ie for 1996–97 they would have been issued in December 1995, and for 1997–98 they would have been issued in December 1996.

Rural Development Programme

Staffordshire, Moorlands—Rural Development Programme
Number of projects Total RDC funding Total scheme costs costs
1996–97 8 33,846 140,657
1997–98 22 106,271 411,423
1998–99 8 48,483 273,133
1999–2000 14 89,422 383,595
2000–01 8 84,800 369,112
Total 60 362,821 1,577,920


It is not possible to split the funding as at May in any year and details provided relate to financial years only. Rural Development Programme schemes include: Redundant Building Grants, Rural Development Programme and Workspace projects. This programme is split between Derbyshire and Staffordshire and a number of projects work across North-East Staffordshire and North-West Derbyshire. There is a real sense of joint working between the two areas and therefore the precise split of projects and funding may not be fully illustrated here. The Rural Priority Area covers roughly two-thirds of Derbyshire and one-third of Staffordshire. All projects which are aggregated in this table identify themselves on Advantage West Midland's database as Staffordshire, Moorlands, but may also include some cross-border Derbyshire activity.

Round 2 Leek Round 4 Biddulph Round 5 rural regeneration NE Staffs Total Cumulative pre and post 1996–97
2002–03 0 76 853 929 3,066
2003–04 0 66 776 842 3,908
2004–05 0 0 630 630 4,538
2005–06 0 0 551 551 5,089
Total 1,058 441 3,755 5,254

The Single Regeneration Budget programmes approved by Advantage West Midland and by the Government Office of the West Midlands prior to Advantage West Midland's existence are Leek, Biddulph and Rural Regeneration. The total spend on the schemes in the period to 31 March 2006 is £5.254 million with £1.12 million to be expended between 1997 to the end of this year and £165,000 in 1996–97.

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