§ Laura MoffattTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the cost to the NHS of vaccinating persons prior to their travelling abroad in the last year for which figures are available. [104134]
§ Yvette CooperIt is not possible to give a total figure for the cost of immunisation for the purpose of travel abroad each year. Records are not kept of the numbers of people immunised and data on prescription items are limited as they do not differentiate between vaccine given for travel or for other reasons and they do not differentiate between primary courses (usually consisting of several doses of vaccine) and booster doses. The number of prescription items dispensed in England and the net ingredient costs for vaccines that may be given for the purposes of travel are given in the table.
The number of prescription items dispensed and net ingredient cost for vaccines likely to have been administered for travel1 England, 1994–98 Year Total number of prescription items (millions) Total cost (£ million) 1994 3.4 40.5 1995 3.3 47.0 1996 3.3 49.1 1997 3.3 52.4 1998 3.1 52.0 1 The travel vaccines are those preparations in the British National Formulary (BNF) (issue 38, September 1999) section 14.6—International travel: BCG, diphtheria, hepatitis A, meningococcal A&C, normal immunoglobulin, poliomyelitis, typhoid, and yellow fever. Some of these vaccines will have been prescribed for reasons other than travel. Notes:
1. The data cover all prescriptions dispensed by community pharmacists and appliance contractors, dispensing doctors, and prescriptions submitted by prescribing doctors for items personally administered in England.
2. The net ingredient cost refers to the cost of the drug before discounts and does no include any dispensing costs or fees.